Somerville ISD Health Services

Somerville ISD is committed to the health and wellness of students, staff, and their families.
Follow the links to the left to view state requirements, district health initiatives, health forms, and SHAC information.
SISD District Nurse Contact Information:
Amie Eschete, BSN, RN
Elementary/Intermediate Office 979-596-1502
High School Office 979-596-1534
Aunt Bertha Website Link:
By simply entering your zip code, the site will find food, counseling, health, housing, legal, job training, and much, much more in your area. Aunt Bertha collects all federal, state, county, city, neighborhood, and charity program information puts it in one place, and makes it easy for people to find and connect with those programs.
Teen Depression and Suicide Prevention: (Link to website)
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)- Brazos Valley (Link to Website)
Phone: 979-774-7413
MHMR Crisis Line: (Link to website)
Phone: 888-522-8262
National Suicide Lifeline: (Link to website)
Phone: 979-731-1000
Trevor Project Lifeline: (Link to website)