Somerville ISD Families, If you need assistance with food, we invite you to fill out our pantry request form. We also have some clothes in the pantry as well for those who may be in need of coats, shoes, etc. We want to make sure our students and families in SISD never go without!
12 months ago, Somerville ISD
SISD Food Pantry
Congratulations to our February Yegua CHIEFS: 6th: Aden Daly, 2nd: Kato Vela, 9th: Stormy Hargrove-Kominczak, 8th: Ryann Dekneef, Teachers: Rebecca Coronado & Luke Klingler, and Paraprofessionals: Gabi Tuck & Princess Fisher(not pictured)! Way to go Yegua Chiefs!!!
12 months ago, Somerville ISD
Yegua Chief
Yegua Chief
Yegua Chief
Yegua Chief
2-15-24: SRO Appreciation Day. Our Yeguas appreciate and thank them for all that they do on the campuses!
12 months ago, Somerville ISD
The Somerville Yeguas will play Big Sandy Wildcats in the Bi-District round of the State Playoffs on Tuesday, February 20th at Willis High School @ 6:30 PM! Somerville will be the HOME team. Tickets are $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for students. We appreciate your support and hope to see you cheering us on from the stands!!!
12 months ago, Somerville ISD
basketball champs
REMINDER: Student Holiday- No School for All Campuses on Monday, February 19th!
12 months ago, Somerville ISD
No School
Happy Valentine's Day from our very own SRO- Officer Brown! Our students received some yummy candy this morning!
12 months ago, Somerville ISD
Candy Cop
NHS Blood Drive: Wednesday, February 14th @ High School Library!!
12 months ago, Somerville ISD
Congratulations to the Lady Yeguas on a 7-5 win over Anderson-Shiro for their first game of the season.
12 months ago, Somerville ISD
SB vs Anderson-Shiro
Wear ORANGE to the game and show your Yegua Pride! Somerville VS Mumford: Tuesday, February 13th @ 6:15 PM!!!
about 1 year ago, Somerville ISD
district game
Another great showing for the Yeguas today! Thank you for all of those of you who came out to help and support our Yeguas!
about 1 year ago, Somerville Athletics
10 minutes away from the 2nd Annual Somerville Invitational!! #ForTheTribe
about 1 year ago, Somerville Athletics
Pre-K: Celebrating being 100 days smarter!
about 1 year ago, Somerville ISD
100 Days Smarter
100 Days Smarter
100 Days Smarter
Help us thank our counselors for all that they do! Our Elementary/Intermediate Counselor is Amber Idlebird and our High School Counselor is Nancy Love! We thank them both for being here for our kiddos!
about 1 year ago, Somerville ISD
Counselor Appreciation
The 2024 Football Season is right around the corner and will be here before you know it! Mark your calendars now for your Yegua Football!!!
about 1 year ago, Somerville Athletics
2024 Football
Tonight's Home Basketball Game UPDATE: The JH Boys Basketball Game has been Canceled. The JH Girls Basketball Game will start at 5 PM!
about 1 year ago, Somerville ISD
A message from Lady Yegua Softball! "Updated schedule - all district games have been moved from 6:30pm to 6pm start time. Here is junior high’s schedule too so you guys can come support our little lady yeguas! Don’t forget shirts are available to order until 2/2!"
about 1 year ago, Somerville Athletics
Softball 1
Softball 2
JHigh Softball
Tuesday, January 23, 2024 Boys Basketball starts with JV at 5 PM followed by Varsity Girls at 6:15 PM then Varsity Boys at 7:30 PM @ HOME!!!!!!!!!!
about 1 year ago, Somerville ISD
Game Night
The Somerville FFA Officers attended the Burleson County AG Breakfast this morning volunteering as workers and serving guests. Abigail Flencher led the Pledge to the Texas flag. Kyle Brooks held the American flag. Other officers included Aubrey Kovaovic, Averie Hernandez, Savannah Eschete, and Jalynn Urbanosky.
about 1 year ago, Somerville ISD
Somerville FFA Officers
SISD is seeing an increase in cases of influenza in the intermediate grades. Please monitor your students for symptoms. If your student has a fever greater than 100.0 or any other flu-like symptoms, they must remain home until fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medications and improvement of flu-like symptoms. Our SISD HealthPoint Clinic is open Monday-Friday 7:30a-4:00p, located behind the SISD Admin building. Contact them for an appointment at 979-596-5840. Don't forget that you can pre-register your child with the SISD HealthPoint Clinic which allows them to be taken to the clinic by the school nurse, with parental consent, and evaluated quickly and efficiently by the HealthPoint team. Visit the school website and follow the HealthPoint links for the registration packet.
about 1 year ago, Somerville ISD
Flu Poster
Flu Poster
Congratulations to our Yegua Chieftains!!!!!!!!!!!!! KG: Jordan Maldonado 7th Grade: Kamryn Harris EL Teacher: Kadi Webb (not pictured) EL Para: Alice Lewis 12th Grade: Luz Del Carmen Juarez 8th Grade: Colt Dutton HS Teacher: Ursula Idlebird (not pictured) HS Para: Mauriette Shivers (not pictured)
about 1 year ago, Somerville ISD