Mr. Kenneth Burroughs, Director of Student Recruitment at the University of Houston visited with students Friday, December 2nd, in the library about academic programs, scholarships, etc.
A big thank you to School Board Member, Mr. Joe Gonzales for sponsoring lunch! Also, thank you to Mrs. Munoz and Mrs. Perez for fixing the super sides!"

Don’t forget to signup for Mini Cheer Camp! Deadline for form and money is Friday, December 16!!!

Somerville High School Upcoming EVENTS:

HS Boys and HS Girls Basketball Tournament in Thrall Dec. 1st through Dec. 3rd! You must purchase your tickets online!

NHS is hosting a blood drive next week, Wednesday, December 7, 2022
8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the Yegua Center.
There is always a need for blood but it's greater during the holidays.
It's easy to sign up online!

Today we had SFA University, Mrs. Kasey Kerlick, Regional Coordinator visit our school to talk to our Senior and Junior classes.
Today's lunch was Lumberjack pancakes! We want to thank Mrs. Kerlick for coming out to our school.
I would like to give a special thanks to Mr. Joe Gonzales (SISD school board member) He helped make the pancakes.
Thank you also to Mrs. T. Perez and Mr. P. Salazar for helping out.

Somerville Athletics would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!! Be smart, stay safe, and enjoy the time with your friends and families!!!

Forms were sent home with students today. Money and completed forms are due back to school by December 16.

Monday, November 28th, 4 PM to 5:30 PM @ The Administration Bldg. Board Room: Meet SISD's New Superintendent!

All Bands Christmas Concert: Thursday, December 8th at 7PM.

Pre-K recently read two Thanksgiving books, "How to Catch a Turkey" and "Turkey Trouble". Students then created a disguise for their turkey in an effort to keep it from being part of Thanksgiving dinner! Check out all of these cute non-turkeys 🤗

Attention ALL Seniors must order their CAP and GOWN before 11-25-22 in order to have them in time for graduation. ORDER online with the link below.

Attention to ALL SISD Family Members that will be attending today's Thanksgiving Luncheon please bring your driver's license upon check in at the front office! We can't wait to see you there!

Today (11/11), Yegua juniors and seniors welcomed University of North Texas Senior Admissions Officer, Alyce Myers to Somerville High School. Mrs. Myers presented to upperclassmen in the library during lunch about academic programs, financial aid, housing, etc. all offered by the University of North Texas. A special thank you to Mrs. Myers for braving the thunderstorm to meet our Yeguas. Also a shout out to very special guest it attendance, school board member, Mr. Howe.
SHS will continue its round of hosting college, trade school, and military speakers next week when we host Texas State Technical College and Brazosport College next week. We hope to see you there!!

Congratulations to our November YEGUA Chiefs: Marcelino Rodriguez (not pictured), Ethan Ramirez, Janae Foster (not pictured), and Ke'shun Harris!

Tickets for tonight’s game will ONLY be sold ONLINE. The following are the QR codes for the Tickets.
We will be the home team tonight!

Your Somerville Yeguas are headed to Rockdale tonight to take on the Granger Lions in the 1st round of Playoffs!!! The game starts at 7pm!
We need everyone there! Fill the stands! Be loud! And help us beat Granger!

Mrs. Webb's Pre-K Pirates and Princesses Day!!!

Secondary Report Cards have been mailed out and posted on Parent Portal for parents to review.

On Monday November 7th, Somerville High School hosted Blinn College to help SHS families complete the 2022-2023 FAFSA. SHS is grateful to Celia Haley, Scholarship Advisor from the Brenham campus and Cynthia Thomas, Financial Advisor from the Bryan campus for helping our families with this important process for college financial aid.