2021 Somerville Yegua Varsity Football Schedule!!! We are ready to see our Football Yeguas in August!!! Please check the school website for activities and schedules!

Kindergarten - 8th Grade Acceleration Academy: July 12th through August 5th, Monday- Thursday from 8 AM to 3:30 PM @ the Elementary Campus! More information will be mailed out soon.

FREE Workshops and Gift Card Incentives!!!
Within My Reach: Starting week of May 3rd
Money Smart: Starting week of June 21st
Common Sense Parenting: Starting week of June 21st
For More information contact: Holly Narro 979-567-2312 OR holly.narro@ag.tamu.edu

Softball Playoffs: Friday, April 30th @ 6PM at the Huntsville City Fields. Come out and support our Lady Softball Yeguas!!!
Somerville vs Latexo

Band Spring Concert: Thursday, April 29, 2021 begins at 6:30 p.m. with Intermediate Band and 7:30 p.m. with High School Band!

Today is the last day to order items from the cheer fundraiser shop. Thank you so much to everyone for your support! https://fancloth.shop/GZVTR

SHS Parents/Guardians and Students Reminder:
If you are checking your student out of school early, the parent/guardian must physically come to check them out in the front office.
If your student drives, and you want to check them out, you will need to send an email to jwood@somervilleisd.org or dmikulin@somervilleisd.org.

Principals of AG Class viking chair ( one board chair) project:
Great Job AG Yeguas!!!

HS Baseball vs Snook: Monday, April 26, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.

Band Concert Location Update: Thursday, April 29th @ the Yegua Center!
The 5th & 6th grade concert will begin at 6:30 p.m. and the 7th-12th (HS) will begin at 7:30 p.m.

Baseball game Canceled due to weather tonight, 4-23-21

Somerville Track is ready to kick off Regionals: 4-23-21
A Big shout out to the boys and girls track teams as they head to Regionals! They won district and area in the girls 4x100, 4x200, and won the 100 and 200 meter race, and also have 2 girls qualify for the 800! They also had the District Champ and area qualifier in the Triple jump. For the boys, they qualified in the 4x100, and the 200 meter run. Congrats to Coach Montgomery, Coach Ellis, Coach Grimaldo and Coach Watson!
Congratulations and Good Luck Track Yeguas!!!

Big shout out to the Lady Yeguas Softball team for beating Snook on Tuesday and Winning the district Championship! Congratulations to Coach Martin and Coach Payne!
Way to Go!!!

Kathleen Lambert was our sole representative in the Brenham Fine Art League show this year.
She competed at the student level in the Drawing category.
The judge was discerning and did not place competitors simply because they entered a category.
She won First, Second, and Third place in Drawing this year!
Congratulations Kathleen on all your diligent work!
Thank you,
Clover Cochran

The Yegua Bands in Concert: Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.

Tonight's Softball Game has been Rescheduled to Monday, April 19, 2021 at 5PM!
Lady Yegua Softball vs Normangee @ HOME.

Attention Seniors: It is time to submit scholarship applications!
The SSPTO has one available to complete online and it is Due May 3rd by 4PM!

Congratulations to our April Yegua Chiefs:
4th: Ethan Ramirez
6th: Emma Williams
8th: Melaya Florez
12th: Kailey Eldridge

Summer Volleyball Camp: COST $25.00-June 14-17-9AM to 11AM

1st Place 4x100 Relay: Xadria Martin, Camia Martin, RaMaya Carter and Emma Kovasovic
1st Place 4x200 Relay: Xadria Martin, Camia Martin, RaMaya Carter and Emma Kovasovic
1st Place 100m Dash: Camia Martin
1st Place 200m Dash: RaMaya Carter
2nd Place 400m Run: Halle Stevens
3rd Place 800m Run: Jazmine Jackson
4th Place 4x100 Relay: Jeremiah Teague, Johnny Legg, Hershel Conway, Verkobe Woodberry
3rd Place Triple Jump: Emma Kovasovic