Attention all students who will be 8th graders this school year. Join us at the Yegua Center for Gumpie Camp 2024 on July 31, 2024 at 9 am.

The Yegua Nation welcomes Ms. Ashley Kingsley to our tribe! English Language Arts Teacher.

View the 2024-2025 Academic Calendar!

The Yegua Nation welcomes Ms. Kaldis as our new Culinary Arts Teacher!

All Campuses Online Registration Opens July 29, 2024: https://portals06.ascendertx.com/ParentPortal/login?distid=026902
All Campuses In-person registration at the Administration Office will be held on July 30th & 31st from 10 AM to 7 PM!


The Yegua Nation welcomes Ms. Lori Hamilton to our tribe!
English Language Arts Teacher

Make immunizations a part of your child’s back-to-school routine. Consult with their doctor to ensure they are caught up on their vaccines and prepared for the upcoming school year, especially incoming kindergarteners and 7th graders! Contact Amie Eschete, BSN, RN for information about required vaccinations. Any students who are not up-to-date on immunizations will not be permitted to attend school until all vaccinations are received.

Attention All Staff, Parents, & Students: Somerville ISD Campuses & Offices will be closed, on Monday, July 8th due to weather. All sports activities are canceled.

There will be NO open gym today. SAC Camp begins next week. See you all then.

SHS Friday Focus
Somerville please welcome the newest member of our tribe!
Social Studies/Coach: Spencer Starrett
"I have spent 11 years working in a support staff role as an Athletic Equipment Manager for the Houston Texans, University of Houston, Air Force Academy and Texas A&M University. I look forward to sharing a knowledge of History and helping guide and mentor students and athletes in the classroom and playing fields. I'm excited about being allowed to help students reach their potential and dreams in both the classroom and athletic settings. "
Coach Starrett

STAAR retest will take place at the elementary campus next week.
Tuesday - June 25 - English 1
Wednesday - June 26 - English 2
Thursday - June 27 - Algebra 1 + US History
Friday - June 28 - Biology
We will test at 8 AM each day.

Somerville Youth Football Camp that was scheduled for tomorrow June 18th has been rescheduled for next month due to expected bad weather. Go Tribe.

Band 2024! Magic Kingdom

Free Meals for anyone 1 to 18 years old!!!

The recent volleyball camp achieved remarkable participation. Girls from elementary and intermediate school displayed their enthusiasm for the sport by learning new techniques and enjoying the experience over the course of three days.
Thank you to the parents who allowed their athletes to participate, and thank you to the high school athletes who took time out to volunteer their time these past three days and work with these young ladies.
The future is BRIGHT!

The basketball camp this year had an impressive turnout. Elementary girls and boys had an enjoyable experience over the past three days, honing their skills while pursuing their passion for the sport!!

Somerville ISD Health Point Location is here for you this Summer!

EOC retake dates
English 1 – June 25
English 2 – June 26
Algebra 1- June 27
Biology – June 28

It's been an amazing year! Congratulations to the class of 2024.