Stay Up to Date with SISD Events:
over 1 year ago, Somerville ISD
TSTC Texas State Technical College Field Trip: 11-9-23! Students had a campus tour to explore different and possible career paths Welding Technology, Aviation, Diesel Mechanic, Lineworker, Industrial Systems and Precision Machining.
over 1 year ago, Somerville ISD
Veteran’s Day Program: Friday, Nov 10, 2023, at 9:00 AM! Welcome by Mr. Justin Lindsey, Somerville Elementary/Intermediate Principal, National Anthem- Somerville HS Band, Pledge to American and Texas Flag- Vincent Garza (7th Grade), Poem read by Ciana Ellis and Sheyanne Simons (4th Grade), Song by Somerville Elementary Students- 4th Class ( Mrs. Mathis), Poem read by Aubrey Kovasovic (HS), Speaker -Sergeant Fornino, Recognition of Veterans - Mr. Steven Toliver, Closing Remarks by Mr. Eric Holton, Somerville ISD Superintendent, Program Coordinator: Amber S. Idlebird *Special thanks to Mr. Eric Holton, Mr.Justin Lindsey, Mr. Steven Toliver, Sergeant Fornino, Mr.Carl Idlebird, Mrs. Aneathia Mathis, Student Council, National Honor Society, and all other participating Somerville ISD students.
over 1 year ago, Somerville ISD
NHS is sponsoring a blood drive on Wednesday, November 15, 2023, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Yegua Center. We need as many as possible to donate because there is a higher demand for blood donations during the holidays. Please sign up on the following link:
over 1 year ago, Somerville ISD
Thank you to Masonic Children and Family Services for their generous donation of oral hygiene kits for our 1st-grade students. Each student received a kit containing a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and a timer to take home. Our school nurse, Amie Eschete, provided a presentation with the kits to talk about how to keep their teeth healthy.
over 1 year ago, Somerville ISD
oral hygiene
oral hygiene
oral hygiene
Congratulations to our YEGUA Chieftains: HS: Mariah Vela and Payton Johnson HS Teacher: Georgia Thormer HS Para: Monica King (not pictured) EL/INT: Paisli Knox, Christopher Carrillo, Omar Carrillo EL/INT Teacher: Doree Holton (not pictured) EL/INT Para: Katrina Martinez
over 1 year ago, Somerville ISD
Today Pre-K was full of Pirates and Princesses as they celebrated learning about the letter P/p! They had several special guests come to read to them throughout the day, including SISD superintendent (Mr. Holton), elementary principal (Mr. Lindsey), elementary assistant principal (Mrs. Wiser), board members (Joe Gonzales, Linda Pinkerton, Kim Casanova), HS student (Savannah Eschete), and Pirate John! It was the perfect day full of fun and learning for Pre-K!
over 1 year ago, Somerville ISD
We are so excited to announce the Varsity Cheer squad will be hosting mini cheer camp again this year. Everyone from Pre-K through 7th grade is invited to join us. Camp shirts available to early registers only. Forms will be sent home with students this week!
over 1 year ago, Somerville ISD
cheer camp
The Somerville ISD Education Foundation Board Members presented Grant Certificates to the Secondary Campus on November 6th! Congratulations to those who were awarded: Monica King, Clover Cochran, and Greg Moore. Way to go Teachers! The grant monies will go towards their requested projects: HS Book Club, 3D Design in different clay forms, and Trinocular Compound Microscope with a Screen.
over 1 year ago, Somerville ISD
Good morning Parents, If you are attending the Senior Pep Rally this afternoon, please sign into the front office when you arrive and get a badge. You will need your ID or Driver's license. We also have a parent section reserved for you in the Yegua Center. We look forward to seeing you.
over 1 year ago, Steven Toliver
Attention Juniors and Seniors, tomorrow is the last day to sign up for the December 2nd SAT test off site. If you need a fee waiver, please email Dr. Wallace.
over 1 year ago, Steven Toliver
Attention Seniors & Senior Parents. Important information was recently distributed to seniors concerning graduation / cap & gown orders. If your senior did not get a packet, extras are in the high school office. Orders for Cap & gown, graduation announcements & other senior items will be taken on campus tomorrow, Thursday November 2nd from 12:00 – 1:30.
over 1 year ago, Steven Toliver
Attention juniors & junior parents: A junior class meeting recently happened on campus here at SHS. This is a reminder class ring orders will be taken on campus, tomorrow Thursday November 2nd during lunch in the library.
over 1 year ago, Steven Toliver
SHAC Meeting: Wednesday, November 8th, 2023 at 5:30 PM in the Administration Building Board Room! We NEED Parents to Join US!
over 1 year ago, Somerville ISD
Good afternoon students, Tomorrow is Halloween to the rest of the world, but for our campus it will still be a day that you are expected to be in dress code. Although you may celebrate the day, please come to school in dress code.
over 1 year ago, Steven Toliver
Attention juniors & junior parents: A junior class meeting recently happened on campus here at SHS. This is a reminder class ring orders will be taken on campus next Thursday November 2nd. If you or your student are interested in a custom SHS ring or Class necklace ordering packets can be picked up in the main office. Make sure & take advantage of this on campus SIZING & ORDERING day. If you plan on ordering online be sure to stop by have your finger sized on November 2nd to help ensure your ring is the correct size. Congratulations to the Class of 2025 & Go Yeguas!!!
over 1 year ago, Steven Toliver
Attention students who drive to school, parking tags are being issued this month. The cost for a parking permit is $5.00. Students must have a valid Texas Drivers License and be listed as a driver on the proof of insurance in order to purchase a permit . Any cars that are not registered will be subject to a ticket. Please click the link below to register your vehicle.
over 1 year ago, Steven Toliver
Pre-K has been getting spooky while learning! Mrs. Webb's class has been busy identifying and writing their letters and numbers as they find matching pieces in the corn, writing on pumpkins, exploring pumpkins and their parts, and making scientific reactions with their witch potion! They are making learning FUN this Fall!
over 1 year ago, Somerville ISD
Pre-K has been getting spooky while learning! Mrs. Webb's class has been busy identifying and writing their letters and numbers as they find matching pieces in the corn, writing on pumpkins, exploring pumpkins and their parts, and making scientific reactions with their witch potion! They are making learning FUN this Fall!
over 1 year ago, Somerville ISD
Pre-K has been getting spooky while learning! Mrs. Webb's class has been busy identifying and writing their letters and numbers as they find matching pieces in the corn, writing on pumpkins, exploring pumpkins and their parts, and making scientific reactions with their witch potion! They are making learning FUN this Fall!
over 1 year ago, Somerville ISD