Somerville High School Blood Drive: Friday, May 13, 2022!
Click the link to schedule your appointment today:
Monday, May 9th @ the Yegua Center 616 8th Street, Somerville TX 77879!
We will be having a College and Career Fair in a couple of weeks. It will be open to the entire HS campus in the morning from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and then open to the public from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm.
We will have representatives from different types of businesses, different types of professionals, recruiters and a couple of college reps.
Help us Wish Luck to Gracie Tuck!!!
UIL Regional Academic Meet today (4-22-22). She will be competing in the Poetry portion of the meet. Please support her by wishing her good luck.
The Title III SSA Parent Night session in Spanish for your parents of English Learners will be held on Thursday, April 21, 2022.
Join Online (iPad, Tablet, Computer)
Go Online:
Meeting ID: 876 8690 8589
Passcode: 915054
Join by Phone
Call: 1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 876 8690 8589
Passcode: 915054
Usando iPad, Tableta, o Computadora
Dirijase a:
ID de reunion: 876 8690 8589
Contraseña: 915054
Usando Celular
Llame a: 346 248 7799 US(Houston)
ID de reunion: 876 8690 8589
Contraseña: 915054
PROM has been moved to May 7th from 7-11pm.
Prom will be held at the Espinoza Event Center at Private Road 3010, Somerville Tx, 77879.
MAY 5TH @ 6:30 p.m.
Parent/family meal tickets are available at the high school for $12/ticket. You must purchase your ticket before April 29th.
Summer school: July 6th thru July 28th!!
SUMMER FEEDING: Monday thru Thursday during Summer School!
Breakfast 7:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. and Lunch 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
For Meals: Call 211 OR Text FOOD to 304-304
Area Track Meet Results @ Deweyville April 14, 2022! Congratulations Track Yeguas!!!!
PV(g) Deana Williams: 6’ -2nd- Reg Qual
HJ(g) Emma Kovasovic:4’4 - 4th-Reg Qual
HJ(b) Gavin Williams:5’4 -4th -Reg Qual
TJ(g) Emma Kovasovic: 34’2 ¾ 1st-Reg Qual
LJ(g) Camia Martin: 15’7 ½ - 3rd-Reg Qual
4x1(g) Ra’Maya Carter:50.93 -1st-Reg Qual
Emma Kovasovic
Deana Williams
Camia Martin
4x1(b) Ian Teague:44.38 -2nd -Reg Qual
DJ Bryant
Verkobe Woodberry
Johnny Legg
800m(g)Destiny Vela: 2:37.7 -2nd -Reg Qual
100m(g) Camia Martin: 12.12- 1st-Reg Qual
100m(b) DJ Bryant: 11.00- 2nd - Reg Qual
4x2(g) Ra’Maya Carter: 1:50.1 -2nd -Reg Qual
Emma Kovasovic
Mardaisa Snowden
Camia Martin
4x2(b) Verkobe Woodberry: 1:33.5-2nd -Reg Qual
DJ Bryant
Ian Teague
Johnny Legg
300h(b) Kasen Rohrbach:48.52- 4th- Reg Qual
200m(g) Ra’Maya Carter: 26.58- 1st -Reg Qual
200m(b) Ian Teague :23.63 -3rd -Reg Qual
400m(g) Destiny Vela: 1:13-7th
1600m(b) Javen Henderson: 5:33-6th
4x4(b) Kasen Rohrbach : 3:57-5th
Gardner Shivers
Victor Orozco
Gavin Williams
Team Standings: Girls -89pts 3rd
Boys -65pts 5th
To Purchase & Customize Your Yearbook:
Must be a parent or student 13 years or older.
Go to:
Enter your school’s passcode: 1013183641981438
Regular Price: $45.00 *Does not include sales tax, if applicable
Deadline: Jul 1
Customize Your 2 Free Pages:
*Add photos from your computer, Facebook,
Instagram, Google Drive & more.
*Answer fun Memory Questions to help
remember the year.
*The 2 Custom Pages are FREE and are printed
ONLY in your book. Want more pages? Each
additional 2 pages is just $0.99.
Spring Cleaning Time Events In Somerville!
Household(only) Hazardous Waste Event One Day Only: Wednesday, April 20th
from 9 AM to 6 PM- pick up a flyer with all the details @ City Hall OR the Collection Station.
City Wide Clean-Up event: Saturday, April 23rd starting at 8:30 AM- for more information call City Hall.
Congratulations to the Elementary/Intermediate Yegua Chiefs:
Toni Bosquez-1st
Jaylon Franklin-3rd(not pictured)
Khloe Hawkins-4th(not pictured)
Wesley Franklin- 5th (not pictured)
Roel Chavez-7th
Kylie Neuendorff-7th
Congratulations Yegua Chiefs!!!!
Congratulations to our Secondary Yegua Chiefs:
Canyon Surovik-9th
Gardner Shivers-9th (not pictured)
Daimeyn Ellis-Edison-8th
When: April 27th, 2022
Time: During 8th period athletics at 2:45pm - 4:30pm (6th graders can come after school, but need to be accompanied by a parent)
Who: Somerville students grades 6th - 11th
Cost: $10
Any Yegua student that plans to participate in any extracurricular activity for the 2022-2023 school year will be required to have a new physical and medical history form on file. We have set up April 27th as the day for a doctor to come to Somerville and administer physicals. We would like for everyone possible to be there to get the physical and paperwork out of the way before next year. We are trying to make this as convenient and inexpensive as possible for everyone.
If you have any questions, please call 979-596-2153 or email
Our Floral Design students are making excellent arrangements.
Thank you, Mr. Moore and students!!!
Our Floral Design Class enjoyed a presentation by Heather Hernandez today! We appreciate her helping our students with their floral arrangements and giving them helpful tips.
SISD presents: The Yegua Bands in Concert on Monday, April 25, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. in the Yegua Center!
The NHS Bundt Cake Fundraiser will be delivered tomorrow, April 12th!!
Captain: Bryanna Surovik
Co-Captain: Savannah Eschete
Varsity Cheerleaders: Madissyn Morales, Keyanah Crowl, and Victoria Myers!
HEB Tennis Center/ Corpus Christi: April 11th-12th Link for Order of Play!!!
Community wide Easter Egg Hunt at Pazdral Park on April 9, 2022 at 11 a.m. !!
Thank you to those who are helping with this event: Citizens State Bank, Rhodes Building, B&B, the Ramirez girls, Darryl Ellis and CrossRoads Band!
We are going to have an AMAZING EASTER EGG HUNT!