Volleyball Game Update at Fayetteville: Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Junior High (A) Volleyball @ 5PM
Varsity Volleyball @ 6PM
JV Volleyball Cancelled

Herff Jones Representative on Campus: Wednesday, 10-27-21 from 12:45 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the High School Library!

Attention Football Fans: You must purchase your tickets ONLINE for Friday's, 10-29-21 football game in Bartlett : https://www.bartlett.txed.net/Page/232

Way to Go Junior High Volleyball Yeguas!!!
Junior high B-team placed 3rd in the district tournament @ Fayetteville on Thursday, 10-21-21!

Mrs. Mathis' Selena Quintanilla Coloring Contest Winners
PreK-4th Grade: Hispanic Heritage Month.
Awesome Job Little Yeguas!!!!!

Congratulations FFA Yeguas!!!! Way to Go!!!
(Pictured) Barrett Howe won the Junior and Open Heifer Limousin Show at the State Fair of Texas. As well as the Junior Reserve Maine Anjou Heifer.
Hadley Howe had Reserve Champion open Angus Heifer and was Reserve Intermediate Heifer Showman.
Both Represented the Somerville FFA!

Red Ribbon Week!
Red Ribbon Week Begins on Monday, October 25, 2021
Join us in promoting a drug-free lifestyle by dressing up for each day’s theme.
Monday: Orange Goes Red
Dress-Up: Wear Something Red
Tuesday: Put A Cap On Drugs
Dress-Up: Wear Your Favorite Hat/Cap
Wednesday: Drugs Will Have You Mixed Up
Dress-Up: Teachers/Students Reverse Roles
(Teachers dress like students and students dress like teachers)
Throwback Thursday: Drugs Are Out of Style
Dress-Up: Wear Clothes from Your Favorite Decade
Friday: Say Boo to Drugs
Dress-Up: Wear Black and Orange

Regional XC Shirt design, which will be printed on a sports gray shirt. We are taking orders if you would like to show your YEGUA PRIDE for our cross country runners who are Back-2-Back Regional Qualifiers. To purchase one just send me an email rcantu@somervilleisd.org with size(s) as soon as possible. The cost is $20, and is due by this Friday 10/22/21.

Please vote for Emma Kovasovic (Volleyball) as the Brazos Valley High school athlete of the month! Way to Go Emma!!!!

Somerville Cross Country Runners advance to Regionals!!! Way to go XC Yeguas and Coach Cantu!!! Boys: Javen Henderson finished 10th place- 22:59.8 Girls: Destiny Vela finished 3rd place- 12:55.0 Ra'maya Carter finished 7th place- 13:53.0 #yeguastrong #yeguaxc #live2run All 3 qualified for Regionals! Great job by our Yegua athletes and Coach Cantu!

Congratulations to our 1st Six-Weeks Yegua Chiefs: Bradford Evans 3rd Grade, Neftali Achirica 7th Grade, Ely Moreno 7th Grade, Gracie Strange 8th Grade, and Gracie Tuck 10th Grade!!!

Volleyball Senior Night, October 19, 2021 @ 5 PM. Varsity Yeguas vs Dime Box @ Home!!!! Come out and support our Volleyball Yeguas!!
Pictured: Halle Stevens, Emma Kovasovic, Camia Martin, and Bri'Ona Hudson.

Just a reminder that picture day at Somerville High School will be Thursday, October 14. Students have received the information for ordering pictures.

Somerville High School would like to invite Breast Cancer Survivors to our Pink Out Pep Rally this Friday, October 15. We would love the opportunity to acknowledge you. The pep rally will begin at 2:50 pm. Please contact Mr. Robinson at Somerville High School for more information.

Attention all SHS Seniors and Parents.....MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR A FAFSA WORKSHOP WITH ROY LOPEZ FROM TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF ADMISSIONS to be held in the Yegua Center on Tuesday, October 19 at 6:30 pm! All Seniors and parents are invited to attend. REMEMBER that the state of TEXAS has added the completion of a FAFSA as a high school graduation requirement starting this year! Mr. Lopez will talk about the FAFSA and go over important steps in completing the application!

Congratulations Yegua Football Players of the WEEK:
Johnny Legg, Verkobe Woodberry, Alejandro Espinoza, Arvis Burns, and Jesus Espinoza!! Way to go Yeguas!!!

Picture Day All Students: October 14, 2021!!!
Picture Day scheduled for:
Thursday, October 14, 2021
Picture Day ID: EVTZZZF6
Picture Day scheduled for:
Thursday, October 14, 2021
*Please note the camera person will adjust the distance settings for those wearing buns in their hair; this allows the hair and face to be in the picture, unfortunately, it will make the student's face appear smaller.

Attention Volleyball Fans and Parents: Friday, October 15, 2021, JV/V Volleyball game at Burton everyone MUST buy their tickets ONLINE:

PINK OUT Ribbons Made by the SHS Floral Class:
October 11th -15th, 2021!!
Single Ribbon: $0.50
Double Ribbon: $0.75

Here are the links to watch your events today on the NFHS Network:
(Girls Varsity Volleyball @ RTC | 3:50 PM Central)