Congratulations!!! Kathleen Lambert: TX-17 winner of the 2021 Congressional Art Competition. Congressman Sessions is thrilled she has been named the winner to represent our district for this year’s competition. Congressman Sessions along with our District Director, Scott Bland met with Kathleen and some family members Saturday, July 10 at the Caldwell Civic Center. The Congressman will be traveling with the artwork back to Washington D.C. where it will be featured in the Capital from October 2021-March 2022.
over 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
Good News: One of OUR Yegua Art students from Somerville High School, Kathleen Lambert has been chosen as the TX-17 winner of the 2021 Congressional Art Competition. Ms. Cochran, the Art Teacher from Somerville High School has been working with our office and speaks so highly of Kathleen and her artwork. Ms. Cochran has been wonderful to work with during this process. Congressman Sessions is thrilled she has been named the winner to represent our district for this year’s competition. Congressman Sessions along with our District Director, Scott Bland plan to meet Kathleen and some family members this Saturday, July 10 at the Caldwell Civic Center to meet her and retrieve the art work. The Congressman will be traveling with the artwork back to Washington D.C. where it will be featured in the Capital from October 2021-March 2022. Currently the Congressional Art Competition does not have a date for the reception, but it is a priority to hold a reception. However, the date is dependent on when the Capital Visitors Center opens up. We expect transportation to be provided by Southwest Airlines for her and a guardian to attend the reception. I am attaching a picture of Kathleen’s artwork for your reference. It is titled, “True Unity”. Congratulations to Somerville High School on this outstanding accomplishment. Betsy Daniels, Outreach Director Office of Congressman Pete Sessions – 17th District of Texas
over 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
FREE Summer Meals to Anyone 1 to 18 years old! Monday, July 12th through Thursday, July 15th Monday, July 19th through Thursday, July 22nd Monday, July 26th through Thursday, July 29th Monday, August 2nd through Thursday, August 5th Breakfast: 7:30 a.m. – 8:15 a.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Join your friends at the District Cafeteria In Town Bus Pick up and Drop off: 1st Stop: Somerville Feed Store 2nd Stop: Old Mobile Station (Corner of Hwy 36 & 8th Street) 3rd Stop: Anita Heights Entrance Breakfast pick-up at 7:00 a.m. Lunch pick-up at 11:30 a.m. You will be dropped off after everyone has finished eating.
over 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
Parents and Families: The application for P-EBT benefits is now open until Aug. 13. P-EBT provides food benefits to families with eligible children who temporarily lost access to free or reduced-price meals during the 2020–21 school year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Padres y familias: Se pueden solicitar beneficios de P-EBT desde ahora hasta el 13 de agosto. El programa P-EBT proporciona beneficios de alimentos a las familias con hijos que reúnen los requisitos y que temporalmente dejaron de recibir comidas gratuitas o a precio reducido durante el año escolar 2020-21 debido a la pandemia de COVID-19. For more information/Para más información: or call 833-442-1255 Application -
over 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
Congratulations to Kailey Eldridge signing today to play softball for BLINN!!
over 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
Go get em’ Kailey!
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Community Meeting: June 23, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. @ Mantey's Restaurant in Somerville!!
over 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
Welcome to SISD: Coach Cantu received a Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology from Texas A&M University in College Station. Coach Cantu will be the head boys’ basketball and cross country coach, as well as teach Secondary Math at SHS. His life motto is: “Family is not an important thing, it’s everything” ~ (Michael J. Fox). Coach Cantu is supported by his wife Anna and their three beautiful children.
over 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
EOC RETEST SCHEDULE Starting June 22nd - June 24th ELA I and U.S. History on Tuesday, June 22nd, 8 a.m. Algebra 1 on Wednesday, June 23rd, 8 a.m. ELA II and Biology, June 24th, 8 a.m.
over 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
HS Volleyball Camp: June 14th through June 17th from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. for $25.00. Register your athlete today:
almost 4 years ago, Somerville ISD
Please accept our apologies for the miscommunication of dates for the Little Yegua Volleyball Camp. We look forward to seeing your athletes soon. Little Lady Yegua Days: June 21st, June 28th & 29th from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the High School Gym. FREE for Incoming 2nd - 6th Grade Girls. Please complete registration form OR a Parent can complete a paper form on June 21st @ the gym at 1 p.m.:
almost 4 years ago, Somerville ISD
SUMMER STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING PROGRAM Program: Available to all student athletes entering grades 7th - 12th at Somerville ISD. Session dates: June 14 -17 (Monday - Thursday) Volleyball camp starts this day as well. June 21 - 24 (Monday - Thursday) June 28 - July 1 (Monday - Thursday) July 6 - 9 (Tuesday - Friday) July 12 -16 (Monday - Friday) July 19 - 22 - NO WORKOUTS July 26 -29 (Monday - Thursday) Session times: 9 - 11:30 AM - All incoming athletes Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Baseball Sports Specific skills included and will be after Strength and Conditioning Camp Camp: All participants will go through the same Strength and Conditioning portion of the workout Athletes will be divided into the sports they play and go through Sports Specific Skills: Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Baseball Each athlete is allowed up to 90 minutes of Sports Specific Skills outside of the S&C camp. However, an athlete can only participate a maximum of 60 minutes per day for one sport, and then use the other 30 minutes for another sport. Each student needs to wear proper workout attire that can get dirty. Tennis shoes and cleats need to be brought for those playing football. Please bring your own water bottle that won’t be shared, and we will also have water for refills. Bring a towel if needed. All protocols will still be followed, and masks are optional. Must have a physical on file.
almost 4 years ago, Somerville ISD
SHS Parents/Students: ALL Chromebooks will need to be turned in by Thursday, May 27th at 4pm! Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Jennifer Wood
Due to weather and field conditions, Somerville High School Graduation Ceremony has been moved to the High School gym on Saturday, May 29th at 10am.
almost 4 years ago, Jennifer Wood
District Softball Awards!!! Congratulations Lady Yeguas! District MVP: Kailey Eldridge Catcher of the Year: Emma Kovasovic Newcomer of the Year: Abigail Flencher First Team Infield: Kaelyn Chavez First Team Outfield: Ra'Maya Carter Second Team Outfield: Camia Martin Honorable Mention: Halle Stevens, Kyra Watson, Jazmine Jackson, and Kendle Divin!!!
almost 4 years ago, Somerville ISD
Somerville High School and the Somerville Secondary PTO celebrated our Seniors last night during a banquet. Everyone enjoyed great food, friends, and laughter! We will certainly miss this fantastic group of students! #YeguaNation
almost 4 years ago, Jennifer Wood
Senior Banquet
Sr Banquet
Senior Banquet 1
Somerville ISD will have Summer Feeding in June. We will be delivering meals directly to your home. Breakfast and lunch will be free and available for any children ages 1 to 18. Please text Renee Mantey at 979-353-1225 by Thursday May 27th if you would like to have meals delivered to your home and to receive further information.
almost 4 years ago, Somerville ISD
The Somerville High School Powder Puff Game and Carnival has been to the track field! Gates open at 5pm. Game starts at 5:30pm. Carnival will run from 5pm-7pm.
almost 4 years ago, Somerville ISD
Senior Reminders: Monday, May 24th @ 10am - Graduation Practice and Lunch **All Chromebooks must be turned in by Monday at 3:30pm** Tuesday, May 25th @ 8am - Elementary Senior Walk, Senior Trip Saturday, May 29th @ 10am - Graduation - Please be at the High School by 9:15am.
almost 4 years ago, Jennifer Wood
Congratulations Riley Eldridge!!! 2nd Team Academic All-State for Baseball 2020-2021.
almost 4 years ago, Somerville ISD
Congratulations Kailey Eldridge & Jazmine Jackson!! 2nd Team Softball Academic All-State Team 2020-2021!!!
almost 4 years ago, Somerville ISD