As of now the JH game tonight will be in Snook at 5:30pm. WEATHER PERMITTING.
GT Referral Window: October 2nd through November 10th!
We Love our Yeguas! Way to go Fair Participants!
Congratulations to All of our Fair Contestants!
Abigail Flencher- 1st runner up fair queen, 2nd and 6th swine, 10th commercial heifers
Averie Hernandez- 2nd swine, 35th broilers
Aubrey Flencher- 4th swine, 5th commercial heifers
Hadley Howe- 3rd swine, breed champion heifer
Barrett Howe- reserve overall county heifer
Gage Tuck- 4th ag mech
Bryanna Surovik- 5th floral, 78th rabbits
Canyon Surovik- 50th rabbits
Aubrey Kovasovic- 3rd and 7th swine
Savannah Eschete- 116th rabbits, 16th ag mech
Victor Orozco- 67th broilers
Jalynn Urbanosky- 2nd runner up fair queen, 1st place steer, 4th place steer, champion steer senior showmanship, champion Santa Gertrudis Heifer
Kutter Rohrbach- 15th broilers
Kason Rohrbach- 13th broilers
Gardner Shivers- 10th ag mech
Karys Ellis- 59th broilers
Rhyan Ricci- 7th steer
Tanner Moore- 1st place intermediate livestock judging, grand champion goat, reserve champion lamb
JaeLee Landolt- 21st heifers, 10th chickens, 1st junior record book interview
Kylie Neuenforff- 1st and 3rd swine, 4th breeding heifer
Gabby Jackson- 66th and 78th broilers
We're looking for...SUBSTITUTES!
Apply online today: https://www.somervilleisd.org/page/human-resources
Varsity and JV volleyball play at home, Tuesday, October 3. JV will start at 5 with varsity to follow.
SISD Open House- All Campuses- Tonight- October 2, 2023
![open house](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5475039/large_pUg_nv20nfwak9ooxdfIsg.jpeg)
A huge thank you to Lake Somerville Marina & Campground for hosting the Yegua Invitational today. We had an amazing turn out of athletes and parents.
A huge thank you to Lake Somerville Marina & Campground for hosting the Yegua Invitational today. We had an amazing turn out of athletes and parents.
It’s that time again! See y’all at 7:00pm tonight at The Rock!!!
![Gameday vs Louise](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5449379/large_VTGdtJazUbZSYDsNKK8BKQ.png)
The Yegua Invitational will be held at Overlook Park tomorrow starting at 8am! Good luck runners.
District tonight!
Game time 5:00pm in Milano
Today Mrs. Webb’s Pre-K ended their unit over Friends with a friendship salad! Each ingredient represented the type of friends we want in our classroom (kids that use kind words, helping hands, make good choices, and bring lots of joy)! They chose NOT to add the rotten bananas (unkind words, negativity, bad choices, etc.)! The snack was delicious and the friends were even sweeter ❤️
Today Mrs. Webb’s Pre-K ended their unit over Friends with a friendship salad! Each ingredient represented the type of friends we want in our classroom (kids that use kind words, helping hands, make good choices, and bring lots of joy)! They chose NOT to add the rotten bananas (unkind words, negativity, bad choices, etc.)! The snack was delicious and the friends were even sweeter ❤️
News from the Nurse:
Tomorrow's Varsity Game at Yorktown will be CASH ONLY at the gate. See everyone there.
Somerville ISD Healthpoint Clinic is now open on our campus!
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Registration packets and more information on our SISD website or use the link:
Please contact SISD District Nurse Amie Eschete, BSN, RN if you have any questions at 979-596-1502 or aeschete@somervilleisd.org
The Boys Basketball Program is selling Caps for $40.00 each. Please reach out to Coach Preston with any questions at tpreston@somervilleisd.org
Product Description: This game-changing baseball cap uses our R-Active, lightweight stretch fabric and features laser-vented back panels for maximum breathability and comfort. Available in three R-Flex sizes to fit all levels of play.
Big Thank you to everyone who help out with the Jr. High Tournament today. It was so many of you and on be half of the Girls Athletic program we just want to say THANK YOU!
Jr. High B competed well and did better each set!
Jr. High A won 2 of their 3 games and placed second..
We are very proud of these young ladies!
T-Minus 4 hours until Kickoff!!! See y’all in Kenedy!!