If you can’t make it out, stream it live!! This week’s varsity football game against Louise is being streamed live on NFHS tonight at 7pm!! https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/louise-high-school-louise-tx/gam400d0d4b58
over 2 years ago, Somerville Athletics
Come out and support as the Yeguas take on the Louise Hornets tonight at 7:00p in Louise!!! #YesWeCanYesWeWill #JoinTheTribe
over 2 years ago, Somerville Athletics
Our sixth grade ELAR students have started reading to Kinder-yeguas on Friday mornings! Way to go Reading Yeguas! Looks like our little yeguas are enjoying this story!!
over 2 years ago, Somerville ISD
Another win by the Junior High Football Team!!! Great game boys!
over 2 years ago, Somerville ISD
Please join us for our ESL Parent Night at the Elementary/Intermediate Campus in Room 209 (Blue Hallway): November 2, 2022 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. !!
over 2 years ago, Somerville ISD
Our 1st Somerville High School Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting! We had a great turnout! We look forward to seeing you at the next one: Wednesday, October 26th!!!!
over 2 years ago, Somerville ISD
We are very proud to present the 2022 Homecoming parade, themed: “We’ll Always Be Together.” When: Saturday, October 8, 2022 Time:  Lineup will begin at 1:00 p.m. Parade starts at 1:30 p.m. Where: Lineup will begin in the American Legion parking lot, located on 8 th Street. The parade will travel east on 8 th St., to Memory Lane. We will turn right onto Memory Lane and continue toward 7 th St. We will then turn west on 7 th St. and travel down 7 th St. to Avenue “O” and turn right behind the football stadium and end back in the American Legion parking lot. Attached to this letter is your parade entry form. Please fill it out and return it to us as soon as possible. It can be mailed, e-mailed, or dropped off at the elementary school, our contact info is listed below. Please feel free to give us a call if we can help with anything, answer any questions. We hope to hear from you all soon! Victoria Perez Email: vperez5025@gmail.com Mailing Address: Somerville Ex-Students Association PO Box 365 Somerville, TX. 77879
over 2 years ago, Somerville ISD
T A K E P .R. I . D . E I N O U R C O M M U N I T Y O C T O B E R 4 T H , 2 0 2 2 | 6 : 3 0 P M - 8 : 3 0 P M 6 0 0 M E M O R Y L N S O M E R V I L L E , T X 7 7 8 7 9 B E TWE E N T H E B A N K A N D S E N I O R C E N T E R Free to the Public. Includes: Food, games, drinks, learning, and fun with Somerville Police Department. THIS EVENT IS HOSTED BY SOMERVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT TO PROMOTE A SENSE OF TOGETHERNESS AND TRUST WITHIN THE COMMUNITY. ENGAGE IN A BOUNCY HOUSE, FOOD, DRINKS, POLICE TECHNOLOGY PRESENTATIONS, MEET THE STAFF, AND MORE. Including presentations displaying Somerville Police Departments NEW technology. Taking applications for Somerville's Citizens Police Academy. Please contact Officer Sparks via email for inquiries. ssparks@somervilletx.gov or call (979) 596-1633
over 2 years ago, Somerville ISD
night out
Homework with the Academic Dean- Stephanie Treadwell begins Tuesday, October 4th, and is for any student in grades 3-7 struggling with their math homework. Sessions will be for 15 minutes each and can be done via phone or Zoom. https://tinyurl.com/yeguas2022 Meeting ID: 89063402863 Passcode: 9Y4Bbs To join by phone: 979-366-6085
over 2 years ago, Somerville ISD
Come out and support as the Yeguas take on the Yorktown Wildcats tonight at 7:00p in the Rock!!! #YesWeCanYesWeWill #JoinTheTribe
over 2 years ago, Somerville Athletics
Mrs. Webb's Pre-K class: we have been learning about Friends this week and characteristics that make a good friend. Today we made "Friendship Salad". The bowl was our classroom and the ingredients represented the good friends, hard workers, kind words, and positive behaviors we want our class to be full of! We chose not to add the rotten banana (unkind friends and negative behaviors) to our friendship salad :) Awesome job little yeguas!!
over 2 years ago, Somerville ISD
Mrs. Arlinda Gonzales' Pre-K Class: made thank you cards and colored pretty pictures all while learning about manners and how to be good friends, how to share and care for others! Way to go little yeguas!
over 2 years ago, Somerville ISD
Somerville ISD students at Burleson County Fair.
over 2 years ago, Somerville ISD
Somerville ISD students at the Burleson County Fair.
over 2 years ago, Somerville ISD
Abigail Flencher
Barret Howe
Hadley Howe
Our hearts go out to the students and athletes in Iola ISD. Somerville wishes you all the best during these trying times. Our thoughts and prayers are with the entire community.
over 2 years ago, Somerville Athletics
Somerville FFA member, Gracie Tuck, auctioning her baked goods at the Burleson County Fair Sunday night.
over 2 years ago, Somerville ISD
Jalynn Urbanosky- 11th Grade *pictured: fair queen contestant float in fair parade on Saturday. She represented Somerville FFA and other organizations as a fair queen contestant. She did a great job and we are very proud of her.
over 2 years ago, Somerville ISD
Help support Yegua Football by wearing Camo this Friday, September 23rd, for the pep rally! Wear your best camo attire!
over 2 years ago, Somerville ISD
Come out and support as the Yeguas take on the Kenedy Lions tonight at 7:30p in the Rock!!! #YesWeCanYesWeWill #JoinTheTribe
over 2 years ago, Somerville Athletics
Fall session begins on October 4, 2022!
over 2 years ago, Somerville ISD