Weekly Schedule: December 6th-11th!! Reminder: Basketball is in full swing! We have several games at home to attend to support our girls and boys basketball programs. Also, Congrats to both Varsity basketball teams this weekend on how well they performed in the tournaments! The boys took home the championship in the Leon Tourney and the girls took 2nd in the Thrall tournament!
about 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
Congratulations Volleyball Yeguas!!!!
about 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
Congratulations to our Football Yeguas!!!
about 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
Congratulations Boys Basketball Yeguas!! The boys played hard at both ends of the court in the Leon Tournament, and beat an undefeated TAAPS 4A, San Antonio Lutheran, school to claim the title of 2021 Leon Tournament Champions! (12/2) Leon Tour. Yeguas vs Bryan JV2 Score: 66 - 34 W Lead Scorers: Espinoza-14, Legg-13, Carter- 10, Bryant-10 (12/2) Leon Tour. Yeguas vs Leon Score: 80 - 45 W Lead Scorers: Legg-17, Carter-16, Bryant- 12, Woodberry-8 (12/3) Leon Tour. Yeguas vs Broaddus Score: 49 - 45 W Lead Scorers: Legg-17, Woodberry-6, Bryant- 6, Espinoza-6 (12/30) Leon Tour. - CHAMPIONSHIP GAME Yeguas vs San Antonio Lutheran Score: 62 - 43 W Lead Scorers: Legg-23, Carter-22, Conway-7 , Bryant-5 Head Basketball Coach- Rene Cantu Assistant Coach- Josh Vela
about 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
Congratulations to our UIL competitors! Way to Go Yeguas!!!
over 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
Awesome Job Yeguas!! Our Landscaping Class refinished two of our picnic tables for our campus and they look fabulous!!! Thank you, Mr. Moore & Mr. Meurin
over 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
Our Varsity Cheerleaders and Natalie Shupak with the Somerville FFA took the donated canned food items and unloaded them at the Brazos Valley Food for Families Drive! We appreciate all who donated items and thank you!!
over 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
Congratulations Lady Basketball Yeguas!!! SHS 44-32 over Fayetteville 11-30-21!!! Starters: Emma Kovasovic - 5 pts, 11 rebounds, 10 assists, 3 blocks Ra'Maya Carter - 14 pts, 4 rebounds, 4 steals Destiny Vela - 13 pts, 6 rebounds Camia Martin - 5 pts, 11 rebounds Halle Stevens - 9 pts, 8 reb Used a 18-7 4th quarter to pull away after leading by 1 thru 3 quarters. Improved to 2-0 on the season, next we are at the Thrall Tournament Thursday-Saturday. -Coach Colvin
over 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
Yegua High School Basketball Tonight (11-30-21) @ the HS Gym: Boys JV Team @ 5 PM Girls Varsity Team @ 6:15 PM Boys Varsity Team @ 7:30 PM
over 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
Blood Drive: Wednesday, December 1, 2021 @ the Yegua Center! Schedule your appointment today: https://www.commitforlife.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/326146
over 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
blood drive
Lady Yegua Basketball Tourney @ Thrall: December 2nd through December 4th! You must purchase your tournament pass online. They are $15.00 and sale ends 12/4/21 at 10:00 p.m. https://www.thrallisd.com/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1981581&type=d&pREC_ID=2085587
over 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
hoop time
The Somerville Independent School District Presents: The Yegua Bands in Concert @ The Yegua Center on Thursday, December 9, 2021 @ 7:00 PM! Carl E. Idlebird Band Director
over 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
Girls & Boys Basketball Games for Nov. 23, Tuesday are Canceled.
over 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
SHS is mourning the loss of a high school senior who was in a tragic accident this morning. We have 4 counselors at the school this morning meeting with students. We will be releasing the high school ONLY at 12:30 p.m. today and we will have buses available for those who ride. Please call if you have any concerns 979-596-2153 or 979-596-1534. The elementary and intermediate school will release at the regular time today. SHS está de luto por la pérdida de un estudiante de último año de secundaria que tuvo un trágico accidente esta mañana. Tenemos 4 consejeros en la escuela esta mañana reuniéndose con los estudiantes. Saldremos de la escuela secundaria SOLAMENTE a las 12:30 p.m. hoy y tendremos autobuses disponibles para quienes viajen. Si tiene alguna inquietud, llame al 979-596-2153 o al 979-596-1534. La escuela primaria e intermedia saldrá hoy a la hora regular.
over 3 years ago, Karla Sparks, Superintendent
Varsity Lady Yegua Basketball Game 11-19-21 has been cancelled.
over 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
Mrs. Blinka did an outstanding Flag Folding Presentation for grades 2-4 on Wednesday, November 17, 2021. Thank you Mrs. Blinka!
over 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
Happy Early Thanksgiving from our Cafeteria Ladies! We appreciate all that they do to feed the kiddos and the staff everyday! The turkey and dressing lunch they prepared today was AMAZING!
over 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
Congratulations to our Lady Yegua Basketball Team on their victory against Brenham 11-16-21!! Starters: Emma Kovasovic - 11 pts, 11 rebounds, 3 blocks Ra'Maya Carter - 19 pts, 7 rebounds, 7 steals Destiny Vela - 2 pts, 4 rebounds, 2 steals Camia Martin - 5 pts, 11 rebounds Halle Stevens - 10 pts, 11 rebounds Used a 14-11 4th quarter to force overtime, before outscoring Brenham 7-4 in the 2nd overtime with Emma Kovasovic's 3 point play being the go ahead basket. -Coach Colvin Awesome Job Lady Yeguas!!!
over 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
Tuesday, November 16, 2021: Lady Yegua Varsity Basketball @ Brenham High School, 525 A.H. Ehrig Dr. Brenham, TX 77833 @ 5 PM! You must purchase your tickets online: https://www.payschoolsevents.com/events/org/brenham-isd-athletics
over 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
NOW HIRING Maintenance & Transportation Worker Apply Online at https://somervilleisd.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx
over 3 years ago, Somerville ISD