Vouchers available at the Admin office for BOYS basketball game! Tuesday, February 9th Somerville vs Iola: JV @ 5PM and Varsity @ 615PM! We are at the office until 4:30 p.m. today!

Somerville 56 @ Mumford 87 on Friday, 2-5-21:
Brandyn Carter 22
Dominic Tucker 8
Verkobe Woodberry 6
Johnny Legg 5
Deven Green 5
Julian Frayre 4
Gardner Shivers 3
Jared Pinkerton 0
Herschel Conway 0
Arvis Burns DNP
Game notes:
Brandyn Carter, sophomore guard, carried us offensively. Brandyn scored a game high 22 points. Brandyn has been our team's leading scorer all season. Dominic Tucker, sophomore guard/ forward, was extremely active and all over the court. Julian Frayre, junior forward, and Deven Green , sophomore guard really stepped up tonight.
Next week:
2-9-21 Iola at home 6:15 PM
2-10-21 Burton at home 6 PM
2-12-21 at Normangee 5 PM
Coach Billy Ramey

Weekly Game Schedule:

Strategic Planning Committee Meeting: Wednesday, February 24th at
6 PM in the Cafeteria. Everyone is welcome to attend and provide input to help the District make decisions on these topics: *New Ag/CTE Facility, *Drainage, *Other programmatic & facility needs.

Lady Yegua Playoff Shirts: Money Due Friday, February 5th at High School Front Office! Email Coach D @ dmellis@somervilleisd.org!
This year's 2020-2021 basketball season is almost complete, but our varsity lady yeguas still have work to do in the playoffs. We were able to finish second in the district with a record of 8-2 and another amazing season. We have earned another spot to compete in the 2A playoffs and will begin our playoff run on the 11th or 12th of February depending on the seeding. These girls have been doing amazing on and off the basketball court.
Thank you for your support,
Coach Montgomery

Last night, 2-3-21, was a great night for our young team. Personal records were set in nearly every lift. Our team was led by Herschel Conway with a tight 2nd place finish, as well as Jeremiah Teague with a 3rd place in his weight class. Richard Rivera-Espinoza, Deven Green, and Andrew Vasquez all finished 5th in their weight classes. Our kids keep getting better and it’s going to really pay off at the regional meet.
Coach Ethan Watson

Congratulations to twenty members of the Somerville High School and Middle School Band Program for being selected to the 2020 - 2021 ATSSB All-Region 18/26 Honor Band. Due to Covid restrictions, this was a recorded try-out. However, the venue still consisted of students for 26 competing schools. The high school try-out was held on December 15th and the middle school try-out was held on January 30th.
The following high school students,listed alphabetically, were selected to one of three bands. The Wind Ensemble is the first band, the Symphonic Band is the second, and the third band is the Concert Band:
Dakota Carpenter (Concert Band Trumpet), RaMaya Carter (Wind Ensemble bass clarinet), Kailey Eldridge (Wind Ens. bass clarinet), Aleena Isom (Symphonic tenor saxophone), Gracie Tuck (Symphonic tuba), Kyra Watson (Symphonic bass clarinet), Deana Williams (Sym, trombone), and Tyler Williams (Sym. tuba)
In addition to this honor, RaMaya Carter, Kailey Eldridge, Gracie Tuck, Deana Williams, and Tyler Williams placed high enough to earn a right to try-out for the All-State Band. That try-out was held on January 16th but no one advanced.
The following middle school students (listed alphabetically) were selected to one of three bands:
Kyle Brooks (Sym. trumpet), Brakayla Burns (Con. trombone), Daimeyn Eliis-Edison (Concert clarinet), Savannah Eschete (Sym trumpet), Averie Hernandez (Concert trumpet), Gabrielle Jackson (Concert clarinet), Aubrey Kovasovic (Sym. clarinet), Brakeyla Minor (Concert flute), Vivianna Munoz (Con. trumpet), Kalijiah Simons (Concert Saxophone), Mariah Vela (Sym. clarinet), and Gavin Williams (Concert tuba).
Due to covid restrictions, there are no live performances of these bands. Congratulations to all of these fine musicians!!

Congratulations to our Varsity Boys Basketball Yegua: Gardner "G" Shivers BROKE the Yegua record with 16 rebounds in one game against Normangee on 1/26/21 while also scoring 16 points!! WAY TO GO!!

Mrs. Abells DIM and Animation classe projects with a 3D Printer: Animation class just finished their first project. Each student designed and printed a phone case for their phones. Each student started by drawing a schematic drawing with precise measurements. They took their design concept and developed a prototype using Blender Software. From the software they developed a prototype using the 3D printer. At Somerville High School our students are taking their ideas from concept, to design, to working prototype!

1-29-21 @ 6PM @ Snook: The Lady Yeguas vs Snook!
Good Luck Ladies!

REWARD-Our computer that controls our baseball field lights was vandalized this week. Anyone who reports information, which leads to an arrest of the person or persons responsible for the vandalism, will receive a reward. Please contact Karla Sparks at 979-596-2153 or Officer Stoneham at 979-596-1534. The information received will be confidential.

1/27/2021: Somerville 45 vs Normangee 59
Gardner Shivers 16
Arvis Burns 11
Brandyn Carter 5
Johnny Legg 5
Verkobe Woodberry 4
Dominic Tucker 4
Player of the game : Gardner Shivers
Thank you to all of the fans that came to support us. It was a tough hard fought battle between two good teams.
Next game: 2-2-21 Burton @ Somerville 6 pm
Coach Billy Ramey

Lady Yeguas defeated Normangee tonight, 1-26-21!!! Way to Go!

Attention students who park behind the administration office, please do not sit there revving your engines. We have elderly neighbors who live around that particular area. If I can hear it in my unit, and teachers can also, your car is too loud. Please don’t do that in the mornings. Let’s have respect for those that are still asleep.
Thank you,
Somerville SRO

Reminder: For the basketball home games on Tuesday, vouchers have been given to players for their parents to attend. Any vouchers left will be at the Administration office. In addition, we are waiting on Snook to decide about whether or not vouchers will be used for Friday’s game. We will give out that information as soon as possible.

The cheerleaders still have some spirit shirts left for sale. They can be picked up at the high school or at the home basketball games on 1/26/21 and 2/2/21. To pre-order, email sgregory@somervilleisd.org with sizes and quantities.
Thank you for your support!

Way to Go Lady Yeguas on the WIN against Iola 1-22-21!!!

1-22-21 Somerville 49 vs Iola 40
Verkobe Woodberry 13
Johnny Legg 12
Brandyn Carter 8
Gardner Shivers 7
Arvis Burns 4
Herschel Conway 4
Players of the game: Arvis Burns & Verkobe Woodberry
I am so proud of our guys to earn this tough fought win vs a tough and physical Iola team.
District 26-2A standings:
Normangee 4-0
Munford 3-1
Somerville 3-1
Iola 1-3
Snook 1-3
Burton 0-4
Next game: 1-26-21 Normangee @ Somerville
Coach Billy Ramey

Mr. Ellis, Mrs. Gonzales, and Mrs. Mathis' classes participated in M.A.P. (Music, Art and PE) Day on Friday, January 22. Our topic this week was China. Xinlee Schulz, a native of China was our guest speaker.

Way to Go Junior High Lady Yeguas!!! A WIN against SNOOK!!!