Come support the Yeguas at Bryan high as they take on the Milano Eagles. Tip-off is 6:30pm. #PlayoffRound2

Congratulations to the varsity basketball team. On to the next round!

The Playoff game has been bumped up to 6pm on Tuesday in Willis. Tickets will be sold at the gate. Come support your Yeguas!

Iola was down 2 & shooting for the win when Brandyn Carter blocks the shot on one end and slams it on the other as time expires to put an exclamation on the Yeguas 57-53 win. Your Yegua Basketball have secured the #2 playoff spot in District 26-2A!!
Congratulations to all our Players and Coaches!!!

Congratulations to the Varsity Basketball Boys. They took the win in a nail biting game against Iola!!! #ForTheTribe #YeguaNation

‼️🚨 OFFER ALERT 🚨 ‼️
Your very own Jesus Espinoza has been offered as a Preferred Walk-On to be an Offensive Lineman for Blinn College! We couldn’t be more proud of you Jesus!!

Follow this link to purchase tickets for tomorrow night's game!
Tickets must be purchased ONLINE!

Come support your Yegua Basketball team this Friday! #ForThrTribe #YeguaPride

Spring picture day is Wednesday, February 22, order forms were sent home with students this week. Seniors (HS and Kinder) will be taking their cap and gown pictures on this day as well starting at 10:30am. HS seniors must bring their cap, gown and tassels for their graduation pictures.

The Somerville High School Art Students made Valentine's Day Cards.
These are a few of the cards made to bring a smile to those who view them.
The students were asked to create a card for someone who means a lot to them and has worked to support the student and help them get where they are today.
Happy Valentine's
Ms. Cochran

Mr. Moore's Floral Design Class made gorgeous arrangements for our cafeteria! Awesome Job Yeguas!!!

Congratulations to our Yegua Chiefs who were presented with a certificate at the February 8th Board Meeting!!
Pictured: 7th Grader- Isaac Rudd and 3rd Grader- Leanna Cisneros
Not pictured: Aleena Isom and Brandyn Carter
Way to Go Yegua Chiefs!!!!

Check out Somerville ISD's February Yegua Update! News you need to KNOW!

Update to schedule: Junior High Softball tonight, February 9th at
5 PM in Franklin.

JH UIL Academics Shoutout: Congratulations UIL Yeguas!!!
Final Results Overall 7th & 8th graders came in 4th with 191.5 points.
Burton -940.5, Iola 554, Normangee 477, and Snook 79.
Najla Sadic - Art 1st (T), Calculator 2nd, Calculator 1st Team
Olivia Vega - Calculator 1st, Calculator 1st Team
Neuendorf - Calculator 1st Team, Spelling 4th
Erin Langston - Calculator 1st, Calculator 1st Team
Audrey Schoenberg - Calculator 2nd, Calculator 1st Team, Dictionary 6th
Leilah Ellis - Calculator 3rd, Calculator 1st Team
Johnathan Crigler - Chess 6th (T)
Ryann Dekneef - Dictionary 2nd, Mathematics 5th, Mathematics 3rd Team, Number Sense 5th, Number Sense 3rd Team, Spelling 6th (T)
Rusty Pullin - Impromptu Speaking 6th, Number Sense 3rd Team
Jaelee Landolt - Mathematics 3rd Team, Modern Oratory 2nd, Number Sense 6th, Number Sense 3rd Team, Ready Writing 1st,
Anette Reyna - Mathematics 3rd Team
Carolina Griggs - Oral Reading 3rd
Rhyan Ricci - Spelling 5th
Thanks to all participants.
Hunter Tuck - Chess
Karys Ellis - Spelling, Calculator
Gabriel McDonald - Spelling
Lilliana Roth - Oral Reading

Mrs. Webb's 100th Day Projects!!!

The calm before the storm turned into 1000 career points and a Yegua Victory!!! Congratulations Brandyn Carter!!! #milestones #ForTheTribe

Help your Somerville Powerlifting teams kickoff the 2023 season by sporting some Yegua gear!
Form and money are due by Wednesday, February 8.

Congratulations Maya!!! We couldn’t be more proud of you!!! Thank you for representing the Yeguas the way you do!!! https://www.kbtx.com/2023/02/03/classroom-champion-ramaya-carter-somerville-high-school/?fbclid=IwAR2K2t15LqDQNok9erObss1AaVIJR5ngBkoX3WQRmc7k3H6tnvAFf0iVrTw

Mrs. Gonzales and her Pre-K class has continued with the letter C: They read a book Couch Potato, and Joe couch potato was being lazy and what did we have to do to get potato to stop being lazy? "Motivation" to get up and try new adventures and to learn new and interesting things! So this class got up and painted using a potato stamp!